Condominium Corporations and Electronic Annual General Meetings During COVID-19

Due to the emergence of COVID-19 in mid-March of this year, the provincial government advised all Albertans to minimize that any non-essential trips outside of their homes and, at one point, banned any public gatherings of groups larger than 5 individuals. Since that time the restrictions have been slowly rolled back and as of June 12, 2020 Alberta is in Stage 2 of its COVID-19 Recovery Plan. Stage 2 allows for indoor gatherings of a maximum of 50 people, and outdoor gatherings for a maximum of 100. However, this remains subject to 2m social distancing between people not from the same household and […]

BC Court confirms that Condos can Prohibit Commercial Cannabis Operations with Bylaw Changes

Kunzler v The Owners, Strata Plan EPS 1433, 2020 BCSC 576 (“Kunzler”) is an notable recent case from British Columbia which addresses the ability of a strata corporation, a term used in BC which can include condominiums, townhouses and bare land strata corporations, to pass bylaws preventing or regulating certain types of businesses and activities on its grounds. In Kunzler, the Plaintiffs Kevin and Cheryl Kunzler (the “Kunzlers”) and Skywater Cannabis (collectively referred to as the “Plaintiffs”) were seeking to remedy alleged unfair treatment by the Defendant, Strata Plan EPS 1433 (the “Defendant”) who passed bylaws preventing the Plaintiffs’ planned construction and […]